California High Speed Rail Authority

California High Speed Rail Authority

Global Urban Strategies has been subcontracted to assist in the California High-Speed Rail Authority Project, providing stakeholder engagement, facilitation, and graphic design services to ensure meaningful community involvement. Our efforts included organizing meetings to capture stakeholder feedback, managing communications, and aligning project goals with community priorities, building stronger connections between stakeholders and project partners. We created presentations for workshops in Fresno, Kings-Tulare, Merced, and Bakersfield, delivering updates through visually engaging materials, including data charts, and directly engaging with the community to address concerns. To promote inclusivity, we developed comment cards in Spanish and Hmong, encouraging participation from diverse communities. Additionally, our ongoing collaboration with the High-Speed Rail Authority in Gilroy and Palmdale focuses on expanding these outreach efforts, ensuring that residents remain informed and involved in the project’s development.

HSR Presentations